Graphic design

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What is graphical design?

Graphic design is a type of design, that is based on two basic elements

Graphics made up of visual elements – lines, shapes, space, typography, color, texture, size;

Design that determines how a material should look and function before the final product is created.

Graphic design is used to create posters, brochures, logos, books and journals, packagins, web, invitations, booklets adn other materials.


The principles of graphic design

When creating a graphic design, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of design:

  • Contrast – an element that determines the relationship between different design elements, allowing one or more of them to stand out against another background;
  • Balance – determines how full the space is in each of its parts, helping to make the work more pleasing to the eye;
  • Proportions – determines how much one design element is smaller or larger than another in the created material;
  • Hierarchy – helps to organize the elements of the design according to their importance, allowing the design to be created in a way that helps the viewer to better understand the most important message;
  • Rhythm – the sequence and size of the spacing of the elements inserted in the design, which can be both irregular and smoothed;
  • Space – the total work space, which includes both the parts of the filled space and the empty ones, which are often called by designers as a negative space, the successful use of which in the design is as important as the filled part of the space;
  • Continuity – a movement in a design that helps guide the receiver of information in the desired direction, creating a sequence of specific elements.

How does graphic design differ from other types of design?


  • Graphic design

Graphic design is mainly used to create visual concepts with the aim of communicating ideas, inspiring and / or informing consumers.

Graphic design is mainly used to design print materials for advertising, magazines, business printing, brochures and booklets.

The list of programs most commonly used by graphic designers includes Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Also, the skill of graphic designers includes the ability to adapt the design material to print, improving its resolution and color tones.

  • Digital design

Digital design, as the name implies, is used to develop digital materials and elements. Such materials are not intended for printing.

Digital design, like graphic design, requires knowledge of design principles. Unlike graphic design, digital design requires additional knowledge of the latest technologies and specifications for visualization management.

  • WEB design

WEB design encompasses a set of knowledge and skills that can be used to create and maintain websites and other software in an electronic environment.

Similar to digital design, with WEB design representatives it is necessary to know the electronic environment and materials, with the help of which the necessary product can be developed – home page, user program, etc.

  • UI (User Interface) design

UI design analyzes the consumer’s interaction with the created product and its design. The UI can be divided into 3 parts: a graphical user interface, a voice-controlled interface, and a gesture-based interface. UI is the basis of the developed product, which is determined by evaluating the product’s usability, enjoyment, reliability, etc. parameters.

  • UX (User Experience) design

UX design is largely related to UX design, studying the success of the final product design as a whole, including UI design, in terms of the quality of the product and its components and the interaction with the consumer as a whole. UX designers conduct research to find out the human factors in a product’s usability, how much consumers would like to use the product, and what the consumer’s experience with the product would be.


Why is graphic design especially important?

Although all of these designs are useful for business development, it is the graphic design that builds a company’s reputation and impression of the business. Graphic design helps to set your business apart from other competitors in the eyes of consumers, creating the most successful solution for delivering the desired message.